Thursday, May 14, 2009

This ain't no small town dance recital... except it is.

Mother's Day is for the the Moms, but in Springfield it is also for the dancers. May 9th and 10th welcomed the Dance Factory's spring recital with epic dance adventures filling both days to the max almost beat by large audiences who say, "Yeah. We'll take this," and cheer, baby cheer.

I take moments in between costume changes backstage at the high school that left me craving new beginnings to notice the kids that let me call them my students own their dancing bodies and claim my naive attempts at choreography for themselves. This is daring. This is confidence. This is a desire to let people in and give them a chance to see what you are all about. And I realize I have much to learn about what these moving', groovin' bodies and minds are all about.

I felt community in my dirty toes, my sore lower back, and my searching-for-air chest as I made my way out to greet the people I see in school, in the grocery store, after rehearsal during the quiet time before I close my eyes. I know dance in some ways, but these people tell me about dance in new ways. And I'm a'lis'enin'.

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