Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Year 2: Life without internet...

Mmm... How sweet it is to settle in at the public library for a few minutes and update a sorry little blog that barely reflects just how much dancing is happening in southern Vermont. My home in Springfield is occupied by a great family that includes a young dancer at the Dance Factory and I have made my way over to Chester - ten minutes from the still up-and-coming metropolis that is Springfield - to live on a town farm with sheep, pigs, chickens, a turkey, Tasha the cat, and Sean the tall teacher farmer man. Although we have a slew of animals that this little vegetarian gets a kick out of, we are without internet, and I miss the opportunity to write regularly. I do relish the limited access to my overwhelming e-mail inbox.

But fall brings back paper-writing for the kids and I find myself craving written reflection of all the movement that is carrying me through my days, months, and apparently years in this country home of mine.

So far... fall has been full of yoga dance with Ms. Rebecca. We danced in Cavendish and are about to start a new session in Chester. The Dance Factory welcomes middle school modern and cradles me practically every day with teaching, taking class, and Nutcracker rehearsals. Family Dance continues regularly and the libraries are dancing as well. School residencies are up and running, including working with Springfield High School's Performance class on a site-specific dance in the lobby of the school and folk dancing with Russian and German classes. And... gulp... dance team? Who knew varsity coaching would be in my future... More soon, hopefully with pictures and video too.

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